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WNSC Learning Lead 2024 C-Section

Restoring Gut Health in C-Section Infants: Exploring the Role of Nutrition Modulators

The mode of delivery is influenced the development of an infant’s gut microbiome. Infants born via the caesarean-section…

WNSC Learning Lead 2024 GUM Header.png

The Learning Lead - Volume 2, 2024: "Can Growing-Up Milk Help Boost The Child’s Key Nutrients for Growth and Development?"

The Myelin Blend

The Myelin Nutrient Blend: A Step Towards Optimizing Cognitive Potential in Infants

The Myelin Blend

The Crucial Role of Phospholipids in Child Brain Development: From Diet to Cognition

Optimizing Early Neurodevelopment Through Nutrition

Bridging the Gap: Optimizing Early Neurodevelopment Through Nutrition

Can Early Life Nutrition Influence Myelination in Healthy Formula-Fed Infants?

Infographic - Can Early Life Nutrition Influence Myelination in Healthy Formula-Fed Infants?

Infographics_Early Nutrition for Preterm Infants

Infographic - Early Nutrition for Preterm Infants

The role of each executive function skill and how parents can hone them

The role of each executive function skill and how parents can hone them

What are executive function skills and why are they important for children to learn?

What are executive function skills and why are they important for children to learn?

Ryan Carvalho, MD - The Fats of life in early childhood brain development

Ryan Carvalho, MD - The Fats of life in early childhood brain development

Dr Gisella Mutungi - Nutrition and brain development - (DHA, choline & lutein)

Dr Gisella Mutungi - Nutrition and brain development - (DHA, choline & lutein)

Dr. Nora Schneider - Learning & Brain Development

Learning & Brain Development

Dr. Nora Schneider
When Executive FunctionsGo Wrong

When Executive Functions Go Wrong - Prof. Hooper

 John Colombo Ph.D. - What are Executive Functions

What are Executive Functions? - John Colombo, PhD

How do you identify the signs of executive functions in infants?

How do you identify the signs of executive functions in infants?