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Nutritional Topic
AI in healthcare - friend or foe?

AI in healthcare - friend or foe?

Will AI be the end of the world or is it the augmented future? There is no doubt that it can be a positive force but we…

Simon Stebbing
Brain, Learning & Cognition - what nutrition is really impacting

Brain, Learning & Cognition - what nutrition is really impacting

Dr. Nora Schneider
The role of Cognitive Stimulation for Learning, Dr. Sanja Budisavljevic

The role of Cognitive Stimulation for Learning, Dr. Sanja Budisavljevic

Sanja Budisavljević, PhD
The development of immunity in early life - Maria Vicario, PhD

The development of immunity in early life

Dr. Maria Vicario
Preterm brain development and developing executive function - Prof. Nick Embleton

Preterm brain development and developing executive function - Prof. Nick Embleton

Prof. Nick Embleton
Levels of cholesterol, gangliosides and iron in breast milk are associated with early brain myelination in 3-month-old infant

Levels of cholesterol, gangliosides and iron in breast milk are associated with early brain myelination in 3-month-old infants – preliminary findings - Dr. Nora Schneider

Dr. Nora Schneider
Bioactive nutrition and infant gut development - Dr. Ryan Carvalho

Bioactive nutrition and infant gut development - Dr. Ryan Carvalho

Dr. Ryan Carvalho
Nutrition for brain development Focus on DHA, choline & lutein Live session with Dr. Gisella Mutungi 31Oct 2019

Nutrition for brain development Focus on DHA, choline & lutein Live session with Dr. Gisella Mutungi 31Oct 2019

Dr Gisella Mutungi (Wyeth Nutrition)
Trending topics on social media in infant nutrition, brain and cognition-Roundtabe Dis31st Oct 2019

Trending topics on social media in infant nutrition, brain and cognition-Roundtabe Dis31st Oct 2019

Predicting your child's future - lesson learned from Infant Dr. Sean Deoni 31st Oct 2019

Predicting your child's future - lesson learned from infant MRIs

Professor Sean Deoni (Brown)
Closing remark by Dr. Elizabeth Helen Greenstreet 31st Oct 2019

Closing remark by Dr. Elizabeth Greenstreet