
Group by
Nutritional Topic
From Diet to Cognition

The Crucial Role of Phospholipids in Child Brain Development: From Diet to Cognition

The coincident timing of peak phospholipid deposition, myelination, and brain network maturation, and new research on…

Optimizing Early Neurodevelopment Through Nutrition

Bridging the Gap: Optimizing Early Neurodevelopment Through Nutrition

Can Early Life Nutrition Influence Myelination in Healthy Formula-Fed Infants?

Infographic - Can Early Life Nutrition Influence Myelination in Healthy Formula-Fed Infants?

Infographics_Early Nutrition for Preterm Infants

Infographic - Early Nutrition for Preterm Infants

Learning Lead Volume 3 2023

The Learning Lead - Volume 1, 2024: Can Early-Life Nutrition Influence Myelination In Healthy Formula-Fed Infants?

LL 12022

The Learning Lead - Volume 1 2022

Dr. Nora Schneider - Learning & Brain Development

Learning & Brain Development

Dr. Nora Schneider
Baby Connectome Project (BCP): Connecting the Dots on Early Brain Development

Baby Connectome Project (BCP): Connecting the Dots on Early Brain Development

Nutrient intake in early childhood and developmental outcomes in later life

Nutrient intake in early childhood and developmental outcomes in later life

Nourishing the Growing Brain - Early Nutrition for Preterm Infants

The Learning Lead - Volume 2, 2023: Nourishing the Growing Brain - Early Nutrition for Preterm Infants

Maternal body composition may have a significant impact on the child’s neurodevelopment

Maternal body composition may have a significant impact on the child’s neurodevelopment