Back to school: Post-pandemic challenges - Dr. Purva Rajhans & Mrs Janani Sitaraman

Janani Sitaraman & Dr. Purva Rajhans Indo Scots Global School, Thane, Research Center in Switzerland

During this podcast, we are joined by Mrs Janani Sitaraman, Academic Coordinator at Indoscot global school, Mumbai, India, who will share her experience of school closures and the effects she has observed on the children in her school district.

We are also joined by Dr. Purva Rajhans, Specialist in Neurocognition at the Brain Health Department NR, Lausanne Switzerland who will help us to explore the evidence behind the cognitive impacts of pandemic environment.

On this podcast we will discuss:

  • How does increased screen time affect cognitive development?
  • What are the main challenges children have faced coming back to school after the pandemic lockdowns?
  • What can parents and educators do to help children during this post-pandemic period?
Save (for later) 21 min listen

Janani Sitaraman

Academic Coordinator and a Pre-Primary Curriculum developer, Indo Scots Global School, Thane

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Dr. Purva Rajhans

Dr. Purva Rajhans

Specialist in Neurocognition, Research Center in Switzerland

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