Brain Development

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Impact of Bioactive Nutrition in Neurodevelopment - Dr. Jonas Hauser

Impact of Bioactive Nutrition in Neurodevelopment - Dr. Jonas Hauser

Dr. Jonas Hauser
Myelination & Sociability in Children - Dr. Purva Rajhans

Myelination & Sociability in Children - Dr. Purva Rajhans

The Learning Lead - Volume 1, 2020 - Fast and Efficient Connections in the Brain

The Learning Lead - Volume 1, 2020 - Fast and Efficient Connections in the Brain

Levels of cholesterol, gangliosides and iron in breast milk are associated with early brain myelination in 3-month-old infant

Levels of cholesterol, gangliosides and iron in breast milk are associated with early brain myelination in 3-month-old infants – preliminary findings - Dr. Nora Schneider

Dr. Nora Schneider
What is Working Memory by Prof. Stephen Hooper

What is Working Memory - Prof. Stephen Hooper

What is self regulation - Prof. Sean Deoni

What is self-regulation - Prof. Sean Deoni

Ryan Carvalho, MD - The Fats of life in early childhood brain development

Ryan Carvalho, MD - The Fats of life in early childhood brain development

Dr Gisella Mutungi - Nutrition and brain development - (DHA, choline & lutein)

Dr Gisella Mutungi - Nutrition and brain development - (DHA, choline & lutein)