General Nutrition

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More evidence needed: BMJ study links multivitamin intake to lower autism risk

More evidence needed: BMJ study links multivitamin intake to lower autism risk

Insufficient evidence to guide recommendations on vitamin D in pregnancy

Insufficient evidence to guide recommendations on vitamin D in pregnancy

Herbs & spices in baby food boosts nutrition, encourages adventurous eaters

Herbs & spices in baby food boosts nutrition, encourages adventurous eaters

Parental diet before conception affects child's health

Parental diet before conception affects child's health

Low iron, vitamin B12 reserves linked to behavior concerns in young boys

Low iron, vitamin B12 reserves linked to behavior concerns in young boys

Maternal probiotic supplementation linked to 'beneficial' infant weight and length

Maternal probiotic supplementation linked to 'beneficial' infant weight and length

High gluten diet in pregnancy linked to increased risk of diabetes in children

High gluten diet in pregnancy linked to increased risk of diabetes in children

Infants born to obese mothers risk developing liver disease, obesity

Infants born to obese mothers risk developing liver disease, obesity