Q&A podcast from the “Growth Concerns” series – Dr. Cathriona Monnard

Dr. Cathriona Monnard

During this podcast, registered dietitian Dr. Monnard will discuss the following questions (listening time: 9 minutes)

  • What is the proposed mechanism behind Growth faltering and later metabolic disease?
  • Does rapid growth in children who are growth faltering confer the same risk of adverse metabolic health as it would in normal weight children who grow rapidly?
  • When concerned about a child’s growth how can you distinguish between a small build or parental size?
  • What is the appropriate frequency for monitoring a child with growth faltering
  • How are the excess nutrients needed for catch-up growth calculated?
Save (for later) 10 min listen
Dr Cathriona Monnard

Dr. Cathriona Monnard

Specialist Infant Nutrition & Physiology at NR, Lausanne, Switzerland

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