Infant gut development Articles Restoring Gut Health in C-Section Infants: Exploring the Role of Nutrition Modulators Perinatal Nutrition Programs Neuroimmune Function Long-Term: Mechanisms And Implications New Insights in Gut Microbiota Establishment in Healthy Breast Fed Neonates Functional Metagenomics Reveals Novel Pathways of Prebiotic Breakdown by Human Gut Bacteria Load More Videos Breastfeeding and Later Risk of Obesity and NCDs – how strong is the evidence? Oraporn Dumrongwongsiri The Importance of Early Microbiome Development - Dr. Hanne Tytgat Hanne Tytgat Abdominal Discomfort in Children: Answering the What, Why and How with Dr. Ong Sik Yong Dr. Ong Sik Yong Necrotising Enterocolitis and the Preterm Microbiome Prof. Nick Embleton Load More Elearning modules Gut Microbiota in Infants