Public Health

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Early life environment may lead to high blood pressure in children

Early life environment may lead to high blood pressure in children

'Major improvements' needed to meet children's Vit D needs

'Major improvements' needed to meet children's Vit D needs

Research reasserts delivery mode influence on kids' skin microbiome

Research reasserts delivery mode influence on kids' skin microbiome

FDA revises fish consumption advice for pregnant, breastfeeding women

FDA revises fish consumption advice for pregnant, breastfeeding women

Low vitamin D at birth raises risk of higher blood pressure in kids

Low vitamin D at birth raises risk of higher blood pressure in kids

Mothers with higher quality diets have slimmer, leaner babies

Mothers with higher quality diets have slimmer, leaner babies

Early term infants less likely to breastfeed

Early term infants less likely to breastfeed

Child's risk of obesity influenced by changes in genes

Child's risk of obesity influenced by changes in genes